images, text, noise, and other by R. Mahound

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Coke Shits

"Waiter" pencil, ink, watercolours
Chickenman. Pen, ink watercolour.
The coke shits. Cocaine anticipation excites the colon, and opiates grow haemorrhoids.
Result: Running to the bathroom to drop one pale little floater, and a lot of fresh red blood.

"Marionette" ink and pencil
"Porn duo: Oil Chang and Lubrication Cervix"

My internet was off for a few days. When it's reconnected I'm treated to a revelation: Apparently Opie and Anthony dislike each other and have done for many years. It's like discovering that Abbot and Costello didn't get along in real life. Greg was even heard to choke up a little in nostalgia for the days when he and Ant still had something like a friendship. After all the hog jokes and racial shit, a washing out of old emotional rubbers.

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